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Submit Command

The submit command uploads your model's predictions for evaluation.


sb-cli submit <subset> <split> --predictions_path <path> [options]


  • subset: Dataset subset (swe-bench-m or swe-bench_lite)
  • split: Dataset split (dev or test)


  • --predictions_path: Path to your predictions file (required)
  • --run_id: Unique identifier for this submission. You can use the values PARENT or STEM to use the parent directory name or the stem of the predictions file name. (default: PARENT)
  • --instance_ids: Comma-separated list of specific instances to submit
  • --output_dir: Directory to save report files (default: sb-cli-reports)
  • --overwrite: Overwrite existing report (0/1, default: 0)
  • --gen_report: Generate report after completion (0/1, default: 1)
  • --verify_submission: Verify submission before waiting (0/1, default: 1)
  • --wait_for_evaluation: Wait for evaluation to complete (0/1, default: 1)

Predictions File Format

Your predictions file should be a JSON file in one of these formats:

Dictionary Format

    "instance_id_1": {
        "model_patch": "...",
        "model_name_or_path": "..."
    "instance_id_2": {
        "model_patch": "...",
        "model_name_or_path": "..."

List Format

        "instance_id": "instance_id_1",
        "model_patch": "...",
        "model_name_or_path": "..."
        "instance_id": "instance_id_2",
        "model_patch": "...",
        "model_name_or_path": "..."


  1. Basic submission:

    sb-cli submit swe-bench-m dev --predictions_path preds.json

  2. Custom run ID and output directory:

    sb-cli submit swe-bench-m dev \
        --predictions_path preds.json \
        --run_id custom_run \
        --output_dir ./reports

  3. Submit specific instances:

    sb-cli submit swe-bench-m dev \
        --predictions_path preds.json \
        --instance_ids id1,id2,id3